French: Statement of Intent
The aim of the French curriculum offer at Oakway academy is to enable children to acquire the skills needed to understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of sources. Children are able to speak with increasing confidence, fluency and accuracy and are able to take part in conversations where they are required to ask and answer questions in the target language. Learning in French is well sequenced across year groups and the curriculum overview has been developed in line with National Curriculum age-related expectations for Modern Foreign Languages (MFL). The French curriculum has been carefully developed to foster children’s curiosity, deepen their understanding of the world and allow them to become familiar with a range of cultures and ways of life that differ to their own experiences. At Oakway, we believe that learning a foreign language helps our children to become strong members of a multi-cultural society. Lessons follow clear progression across year groups and children are given the opportunity to speak, read, listen and write in the target, as well as learning key aspects of French culture.
Year 3 – Core Unit 3
Small Step Sequence –
Week 1 – Heads, shoulders, knees and feet (French song)
Week 2 – Parts of the body
Week 3 – Numbers -21 -31
Week 4 – Clothes
Week 5 – Months
Week 6 – French story about someone’s birthday
Year 6 – Unit R – Family (La Famille)
Small Step Sequence –
Week 1 – My family
Week 2 – Describe your family
Week 3 – Household tasks
Week 4 – A family weekend
Week 5 – My birthday party
Week 6 – Cinderella