At Oakway Academy we firmly believe that good behaviour and positive relationships are integral components of the learning process and maintaining consistently high standards of behaviour is vital in ensuring that teachers can deliver the curriculum effectively.
All children have the right to learn in a calm, safe and supportive environment protected from disruption and harm. Helping children to understand and care about the viewpoint and feelings of others will strengthen their ability to develop and maintain positive relationships and behaviour.
Developing positive behaviours for learning routines
Oakway Acadmey has developed our behaviour for learning as a tool for educating all children to be the best possible learners. Our B4L boards, which can be found around the Acadcemy, provide a clear and consistent set of expectations for all children to follow at all times and in all areas of the academy. Unacceptable behaviours are broadly identified in our ‘Reflecting Learner’ statements and lead to a warning or further consequence. Consistent ‘Blue behaviours’ lead to praise and rewards, including those set out below:
- Smiles, Praise, Positive Comments
- PRIDE Acknowledgements
- Achievement Time
- Acknowledgement in weekly assembly
- B4L badges
- Appreciations

Supporting children to improve their behaviour for learning
At Oakway Academy we have high expectations of behaviour and a clear and robust system for supporting the children when they are falling short of the behaviour expectations. Our aim is to work closely with the children, families and external agencies to provide children with the support they require to meet our expectations. Support provided is responsive to individual need and may include the following:
- Restorative Approach with the adult who gave the consequence
- Emotion Coaching
- Reminders
- Do it Again routines
- Weekly achievement cards to help children monitor and regulate their own behaviour choices
- Persistently disruptive children may be positioned on an individual table to reduce the temptation to misbehave
- Children who persistently fail to complete their homework are supported with Homework Club during break time in order to help them keep up and catch up
- Children who do not earn weekly Achievement time will complete a reflective assembly with a senior leader to help them understand what is expected of them to improve
We recognise that this Behaviour and Relationships Policy and the practice it supports needs to be responsive to individual needs. As such, it may be necessary to make reasonable adjustments to this policy for children who may display inappropriate behaviour, relating to a special educational need.
At times, poor behaviour choices may be to such a degree that all approaches and consequences described above are not effective in securing improvements. In these circumstances it may be necessary to follow an individualised plan to support the child to understand the expectations and the adults to provide a personalised approach. This may include;
- Behaviour Support Plan
- Pastoral Support Plan
- Individual Risk Assessments
- Regular parent meetings
- Internal referral to welfare team / SENCO for intervention or assessment
- External referral to outside agencies for additional support / assessment
- Alternative learning / playing arrangements, away from classroom environment which might include; smaller SEND groups, 1:1 tutoring and alternative playtime arrangements
Should the above be deemed necessary this will be reviewed regularly and will include regular communication with parents to provide updates on their child’s progress.
Individual reasonable adjustments, SEND support
Consenquences of poor behaviour
The Academy uses a graduated response to incidences of poor behaviours. These include:
- Verbal warnings
- Missed acheivement time
- Time out away from the classroom
- Learning in an alternative space
- Fixed term suspension
- Managed move to an alternative setting
- Permenant exclusion
Incidences of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
All incidences of sexual harassment, abuse or violence will be recorded on Class Charts and CPOMs and communicated with parents by school staff. These incidences will be tracked and analysed by the Designated Safeguarding Lead. Each incident will be considered carefully and the protected characteristics of the victims and perpetrators will be considered. Consequences will be considered depending on the context and the nature of the incident. When more than one low-level incident occurs, a letter will be sent home to parents informing them that an incident has occurred. Or, if a more serious incident occurs away from class further consequences may be applied. A suspension may also be considered depending on the severity of the incident. Support will be offered for any victims and perpetrators and the Welfare Team may consider referrals to outside agencies when appropriate e.g. The Multiagency Safeguarding Hub.