Phonics and Early Reading: Statement of Intent
In Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 we use the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme to teach children to read.
The children are taught phonics daily in groups with other children who are working at a similar level and we regularly assess the children to ensure they are in the most appropriate group.
The children are taught new sounds as they progress through the groups, and also read storybooks at the appropriate level of difficulty, focusing on accuracy, fluency and expression.
The table in the learning sequnece tab below shows the groups the children progress through in the Read Write Inc. programme from Set 1 – A, usually at the beginning of Year R, through to Grey in Year 2. We would expect children to move at least one group every term.
Early readers are continued to be supported throughout their time at the Academy. Children who do not pass the phonics screening check at the end of Year 2 continue to learn phonics beyond KS1. Children arriving into KS2 without knowledge of the English Language, are supported through inclusive teaching practices and targeted intervention.
How we teach phonics using Read, Write Inc
Tab ContentParent letter – Sharing book (1)