Religious Education: Statement of Intent
The aim of the Religious Education (RE) curriculum offer at Oakway Academy is to enable children to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain, whilst reflecting the overall aims and values of the Academy. The context of the local community has been carefully considered and integrated into the RE curriculum. RE is taught weekly through a carefully developed, ambitious curriculum, which is in line with Northamptonshire’s local Agreed Syllabus for the teaching of Religious Education. Learning is well sequenced and progressive across year groups and key stages and is integrated with other curriculum subjects where there are clear links. We aim for children to cultivate the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious, moral and social issues so they can accept and discuss the belief structures of those from different cultural backgrounds, enabling them to become part of a tolerant and respectful world.
Content under review
Year 1 – What can we learn from sacred books?
Small Step Sequence –
- To explore the meaning of ‘Holy’.
- To explore the story of the lost sheep.
- To explore how lessons from the Bible influence Christians today.
- To identify why Holy books are so special.
- To make comparisons between the Bible and the Torah.
- To make comparisons between the story of Jonah in different holy books.
Year 5 – What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
Small Step Sequence –
- Explore what helps people live their lives and cope with hardship. Describe the 5 Pillars of Islam.
- Describe Muslims’ key beliefs and how these shape their lives.
- Explain why the Shahadah is so important.
- Describe how and why Muslims pray.
- Give reasons why people give to charity, explaining why this is a fundamental part of Muslim life.
- Understand the meaning behind Ramadan and Eid ul Fitr.
- Explore why Muslims go on Hajj and explain what happens when they get to Mecca.